Wednesday, November 24, 2010

This is from one of the people that I am subscribed to on Youtube.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

It's Just the First Draft

... I have to keep telling myself.

Telling myself that this draft of For the Greater Good is just the first one and that I can add/delete/edit later is keeping me from thinking that it's crap and that I should scrap it. Of course, I'm writing the first draft for an audience, which makes me even more critical of my writing, but sometimes I just want to tell my editor to go screw itself and let me write.

Everyone is supposed to be their own worst critic, right? I think part of my problem is that I have improved in my writing so I can catch my mistakes and be more careful with the words I use. Rereading the first draft of The Ties That Bind, I cringe at some parts and can see where I got off track from what I had originally envisioned. (Like adding in the baby and then the idea extending to a trilogy.)

Maybe I'm just putting too much pressure on myself. Maybe I'll like how For the Greater Good turns out. Just have to go along for the ride and see where the story and characters take me.