Saturday, May 28, 2011

Okay, so after six months, I'm updating. What have I been up to?

1. Finished two semesters. I'm just a summer session and a semester away from a BA. Woohoo!

2. Went to a foreign country for the first time: England in March.

3. Have gotten further in my book. Now I'm past 26,000 words and I have no clue how long the first draft will be.

4. Turned 21, though I suppose that's only relevant if I was more of a drinker. I can get into more concerts and music shows now.

5. Visited a graduate program I'm interested in. I liked the campus and I still have to make an appointment to visit Truman State.

6. Been studying for the GRE. :(

7. Not much else.

If anybody else reads this, what have you been up to?

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