Saturday, November 28, 2009

No progress on my paper yet. I really should work on it today because it's due Thursday morning.

I wrote one more part for my other story. No planning or researching For the Greater Good yet. I think I'll wait until after finals which will be the week after next.

I don't know what I'm going to do during my Christmas break.

If anyone does read this, please ignore my whining in my August 16th post. I guess I was feeling a bit emo.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Update on me.

I finally found a job. I'm a writing tutor at my college tutoring center.

I finished my first rough draft of my first book. I just have to get started on the prequel sometime. The current working title for the prequel is For the Greater Good. I hope to get some planning, research, and outlining done on it over Thanksgiving break if I don't have much homework.

I don't want to write my lit paper today, but I need to have five pages by Tuesday morning. Oi.